Verification skills training

PA Media and Google News Initiative

This training equips journalists with the techniques and strategies to accurately verify online content, including photos and videos. We go beyond the foundational skills of conducting effective searches on search engines and social media, and addresses future challenges in verification, such as the proliferation of AI technologies like ChatGPT and Dall-e. 

In PA Training’s recent research with more than 100 UK journalists, we found that many journalists lacked advanced search skills using Boolean operators and struggled with verifying videos. This module addresses these key insights from the research and aims to boost journalists’ digital skills and confidence.

The module includes real-world activities that challenge journalists to verify live misinformation on social media, allowing them to enhance their skills and problem solving abilities in real-world scenarios.

Introduction to Mis and Disinformation:

  1. How extensive is the mis- and disinformation problem for journalists in the UK?
  2. Where are the knowledge and skills gaps among UK journalists for dealing with mis- and disinformation?

Refine Queries with Search:

  1. Conduct quick and efficient searches online
  2. Find exactly what you need by creating tailored searches
  3. Find exactly what you need on Twitter by searching by date, time, location, and username
  4. Explore Facebook and Instagram efficiently, despite their limited search function


  1. Stay on top of trending topics that matter to you – quick overview
  2. Monitor mis-and disinfo stories
  3. Understand the process of online verification in 5 steps
  4. Conduct reverse image searches and investigate image metadata
  5. Investigate the authenticity of accounts on social media

Advanced Verification:

  1. Understand the impact of AI (including deep fakes) on verifying information
  2. Take the first step in verifying videos by conducting a reverse video search
  3. Establish a verification workflow for your newsroom

Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more tailored and productive results.

Verification skills

Introduction to mis and disinformation

Refine Queries with Search


Advanced Social media skills

Investigate TikTok

Investigate Telegram

Investigate YouTube

Fact-checking skills

Fact-checking Best Practices


Combat mis and disinformation

Responsible & Safe reporting

Monitor viral stories

New techniques and future trends in combating mis and disinformation

Contact us

If you would like to contact PA Training about the Festival of Journalism please email us on [email protected] or call us on 0207 963 7920.

In autumn 2022 PA Media Journalism Training conducted research to understand UK journalists’ understanding of mis- and disinformation, and how we could best address any skills gaps. Please complete the form below to access the report.